Physics Unit 2
Unit 2 - Electricity
Unit 2 - Electricity
Electrical Circuits
Mains Electricity and Alternating Current
Static electricity
Triple ONLY content
Triple ONLY content
Static Electricity
Electric Fields
Exam Pro questions for unit 2 -
Exam Pro questions for unit 2 -
Click on the link , answer the questions and use the mark scheme tab to mark them.
Click on the link , answer the questions and use the mark scheme tab to mark them.
You do not have to print them just use paper.
You do not have to print them just use paper.
Grade 1-4
Drawing and Naming Components -
Current and potential difference -
Resistance -
Parallel and Series -
Domestic Use -
Energy Transfers -
Static Electricity -
Grade 5-6
Drawing and Naming Components -
Current and potential difference -
Resistance -
Parallel and Series -
Domestic Use -
Energy Transfers -
Static Electricity -
Challenge (Higher)
Current and potential difference -
Resistance -
Parallel and Series -
Domestic Use -
Energy Transfers -
Static electricity -