Revision Ideas

Advice from Peers and Teachers

Start as early as possible

Put the phone and social media out of the way - turn it off!

Try to limit revision to no more than an hour at a time with 10-15 minutes gaps in the middles

Do something - avoid reading, instead actively process the information and MAKE something.

Revision doesn't need to be pretty just useful.

If you take the time to make something like flashcards or mind maps make sure you are using them.

Focus on Language - you need to know what key words mean

Practice makes perfect - DO EXAM QUESTIONS, mark them and then do them again in a few weeks.

Past papers

Practice Makes Perfect!!!!!

  • Use the past papers to identify what you do and do not know.

  1. Answer the questions using only your knowledge and brain.

  2. Use the mark scheme to mark the question - use another colour to write down the bits you got wrong.

  3. Does this need to go on a flashcard or mind map so you can revise it (you can then cross off bits when you can remember them).

  4. Redo the questions after a few weeks.

  5. Did you get a better answer this time?

  6. If you didn't ask for help, look it up and redo it all again.

  • Not knowing the answer isn't a failure, it is an area you need to work on.

  • The past paper might change the context - look for key words you recognise. Can you answer anything linked to that word.

  • What is the command word - what are you being asked to do?

  • This website has exampro questions at the bottom of every unit page - these provide levelled questions and the mark schemes.


Mind Maps

  • Making mindmaps is great for reviewing information in a topic.

  • Use videos, revision guide, bbc bitesize to gather informtation.

  • Stick these to the wall or something you see often - doors ect.

  • Use lots of colour - highlight key terms but not everything.

  • USE THEM!!!

  • Look, cover, write, check -

  1. look at it and then scribble down everything you can remember.

  2. Compare this to the original.


  4. Repeat until you remember the entire mind map of information.


  • Make your own using a mix of pictures and text.

  • great to use in short bursts or to ask friends to quiz you.

  • Can you phrase it as a question (your are more likely to try and answer it)?

  • One question per card - question on one side and the answer on the other.

  • Bullet points not sentences.

  • Say it out loud if you can - using different areas of the brain helps you make neural pathways.

  • Put them into piles as you use them,

  1. Ones I could answer correctly

  2. Ones I got wrong

  3. Take a break

  4. Go through the ones you got wrong again and repeat the process.

Other Helpful Tips

Hitting those top grades (Grade 8 +9)